The first shared micromobility company on the Nasdaq - Salvatore Palella from Helbiz

Oliver Bruce
April 9, 2021


This week Oliver brings you an exclusive interview with Salvatore Palella,CEO of Helbiz, which is about to list on the NASDAQ as the first sharedmicromobility player to go public globally. It’s a fascinating conversationabout the current state of the market, how valuations are reached in theSPAC space, and what possibilities are enabled for micromobility by thepublic markets.Specifically, they dig into:- Salvatore’s background, including as one of the youngest professionalfootball club owners in Europe.- The origin story through to the current state of Helbiz, including wherethey started, how they operate and how many vehicles they have.- They talk through the SPAC fundraising journey, and how Salvatore raisedearly capital for the company.- They talk through the post-public market plans for the company includingthoughts on mergers and acquisitions strategy.- How they have viewed hardware.- A discussion of their early forays into cryptocurrencies, and whatSalvatore thinks the future will look like for advertising-drivenmicromobility.- A discussion about the operational and behavioural differences between US& EU markets

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