The biggest micromobility subscription service out there - Richard Burger, co-founder of Swapfiets

Oliver Bruce
December 4, 2020


This week Oliver interviews Richard Burger, co-founder of Swapfiets, thelargest bike subscription service in Europe. With more than 220,000subscriptions and growing rapidly, it’s a great discussion on solving thejob-to-be-done for biking/micromobility, as well as the challenges andopportunities of operating large service business at scale across 6 (soonto be 7) countries.Specifically, they cover:- The context of the existing bike ownership experience in the Netherlandsthat gave rise to paying 16 euros a month to rent a bike.- The origins of Swapfiets, and the genius marketing decision to use ablue-front wheel to make the bike’s identifiable- The operational challenges and economics of the subscription business- Who their customers are, and how that’s evolved over time- The launch of their new electric bike, and how that’s performing

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