Toshi Shepard-Ohta

Assistant Director, Shared Mobility & Active Transportation

Metropolitan Transportation Commission


Toshi Shepard-Ohta is the Assistant Director, Shared Mobility & Active Transportation at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), which is the transportation planning, financing, and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. His team leads MTC’s five-city Bay Wheels bikeshare contract with Lyft in San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley, and Emeryville. Toshi’s team also leads the San Francisco Bay Trail which, along with the Safe Routes to Transit, will see a $150M investment in bicycle and pedestrian access improvements from Regional Measure 3 bridge toll revenues. He has also been working and coordinating with energy utilities, air quality agencies, and local transportation agencies on publicly funded ebike rebate and library programs. Transportation electrification is a key strategy in Plan Bay Area 2050, MTC’s long-range regional plan. Plan Bay Area 2050 sets a 19% GHG emission-reduction target for transportation by 2035. To support the implementation of this strategy, MTC has committed $65 million in funding for new Transportation Electrification Initiatives including a $20M investment to expand shared ebikes in the Bay Wheels system, pilot electrification of Bay Wheels stations, and other initiatives to make Bay Wheels a more effective, accessible, and sustainable part of the regional transportation network.


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