Elies Hamzaoui




Through my professional experiences and my role as an engineer, I’ve always had the chance to manage my work independently. However, I was sometimes frustrated about the decision process, I wanted to have more responsibilities in it. That’s why I naturally take the decision to move to the path of entrepreneurship, which guarantees me autonomy in my work and a certain freedom in my decision-making. I started with my partner the creation and development of the On Board Helmet (OBH) company. OBH provides a safety solution to actors of shared mobility, as bike sharing system company and shared scooter, allowing them to improve their offer, and give back to the user the choice of security. We started from a simple observation : Most people using shared bikes and scooters are sensitive and enthusiastic about the idea of wearing a helmet. But too often helmets are not worn because it is too inconvenient to transport. By doing this statement, I decided to create OBH and design a simple and efficient solution solving this problem.


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