Micromobility Landscape

Bib Batteries


Bib is an AI-powered end-to-end solution to extend the lifecycle of batteries. When a special event happens (end-of-life, low autonomy, end-of-contract or failure), Bib’s algorithm determines the optimal residual value of a battery on the actual market, and Bib offers a complete solution to the owner of the battery, including logistics, invoicing and paperwork. Bib relies on a global network of certified partners across Europe to provide the most ecological and economic solution for each battery. We coordinate the supply and ensure recycling and second-life companies have an adequate battery source for their operations for the 100m of vehicle batteries reaching end-of-life in the coming decade.

Primary Industry
Software & Services
Secondary Industry
Sharing Platforms

Vehicles on Ride Review

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The Micromobility Landscape is a snapshot of the most prominent micromobility solutions currently available on the market. Maintaining the list is a constant work in progress. If you have a new company that you would like to see included, or know of one that we may have missed, we encourage you to submit an application here.

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