New Website + Micromobility Landscape Tops 1,000 Companies

James Gross
August 30, 2022


Today, we are excited to announce that the Micromobility Landscape has surpassed 1,000 companies, spurred on by the exploding demand for small electric vehicles around the globe.

Europe Continues to Lead the Way

Europe still has the most companies in the Landscape, with more than 400 entries. This could be seen in our event in Amsterdam in June where we witnessed unprecedented demand across the ecosystem for new revolutionary vehicles, breakthrough software solutions, innovative policymaking, and VC.

The Owned Market Has Exploded Past Shared 

People are voting with their wallets and making it clear that they would prefer to ride vehicles that are right-sized for their trip distance. As such, the number of companies focusing on owned small electric vehicles has exploded. We originally introduced the owned vehicle category in Berlin in 2019. Now it is by far our largest. Oliver Bruce has written recently about the shared models and how,  in many ways, it is the mobility equivalent of Internet Cafes in the 90s. A great onramp for users to understand the power of new technology, that then spurs personal ownership.

It conforms to the thesis that we’ve been developing over the last four years of doing the Micromobility Podcast together - that these new lightweight electric vehicles are like ‘smartphones on wheels.’ They’ll follow a similar path of market development and penetration that computing platforms did, as they evolved from shared computers to personal computers to laptops to smartphones. 

This also aligns with our research that shows owned micromobility vehicles will outsell cars globally by 2030, and from there never look back. 

A New Website for the Landscape 

I’m also excited to announce we have a new way for you to dig into all the companies in the micromobility space. 


Each company has a primary and secondary category. As an example, here is a GIF of Retail & Vehicles.

There are 5 primary categories

There are 24 subcategories

There are 7 different geographic regions

We also have recently added companies and if there is a company that you can’t find, please add it directly to the index at the bottom of the page!


You can now search for any company in the Landscape.

Permalink page: 

Each company in the Landscape now has its own permalink page. This data will get richer over time, including any articles on the company, their products, and if they have been on the Micromobility Podcast or presented at our events.

The Micromobility Landscape Map

Finally, you can still download the Micromobility Landscape Map. It is available here and will be updated quarterly to include new companies that have been added and categorized. If you’re company is not currently included in the Landscape, please submit an application here and we will incorporate you as soon as possible.

We hope to see you in less than a month at the largest Micromobility Conference in our history. We will have many of the companies in our landscape exhibiting and you will have a chance to meet people from many of these companies. Ride on!

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